ESS Intel HPC Academic Solutions provide the following:
High Performance Computing
Curricula and Courseware
The HPC Academic Solutions provide the
curricula topics best suited for HPC Courses for Under
Graduate and Post Graduate Programs along with
supporting lab exercises. Importantly, the complete
courseware will be provided as part of the proposed
comprehensive HPC academic solution. The solution also
details the recommended text books and additional online
learning resources available to students and faculty to
support classroom learning.
High Performance Computing Labs: Hardware
Infrastructure and Required Software Tools
The HPC Academic Solutions provide the required HPC hardware
platforms, software, and tools to build HPC Laboratories at universities;
importantly, this proposed infrastructure can also be used for
researchers/scientists for their highly computational intensive pure science
and engineering research.
Faculty Training Program
The HPC Academic Solutions provide Faculty Development Programs to
train faculty on key HPC topics including hands on lab exercises and
activities. This training program can also be extended to researchers
pursuing research areas which are computation intensive and require HPC
platforms solutions.
This Faculty Development Programs cover both hardware and software aspects
of High Performance Parallel Computing. It is mainly focused on
parallelizing concepts, multicore architectures and manycore architectures
for HPC, parallel programming methodologies and important Intel software
tools for HPC.
Additionally, guest lectures will be provided for faculty the first six
months of deploying the HPC academic solution to help ease the learning
curve for the faculty and students.