Embedded Artists AB is a private company based in Sweden,
founded in the year 2000. The main focus is to make
development of Embedded Systems as easy and cost efficient
at possible. The company emphasizes strong quality
Developers Kit
IMX6 QUAD Developer's Kit
Embedded Artists' iMX6Quad Developer's Kit lets you get
up-and-running quickly with the iMX6Quad COM
Board. Besides
the iMX6Quad COM
Board the kit contains the COM
Board, which is a carrier board designed for direct
integration. All relevant interfaces are available - either
for prototyping/evaluation or for direct integration into
your product!
The on-board mini-PCIe, SDIO and XBee™ interfaces makes it
very simple to add RF solutions.
Display solutions exist for the kit.
IMX6 based Developer’s Kit also available in SOLOX,
LPC4088 Developer's Kit
Embedded Artists' LPC4088 Developer's Kit lets
you get
up-and-running quickly with the LPC4088 OEM Board. The
LPC4088 OEM Board is equipped with NXP's Cortex-M4 based
LPC4088 microcontroller suitable for a wide range of
applications that requires advanced communication and high
quality graphic displays.
Note that display options are sold separately |

- LPC4088 Display Module - 4.3" Capacitive TP
- LPC4088 Display Module - 4.3" Resistive TP

- LPC4088 Display Module - 5" Resistive TP
LPC4357 Developer's Kit
Embedded Artists' LPC4357 Developer's Kit lets
you get
up-and-running quickly with the LPC4357 OEM Board. The
LPC4357 OEM Board is equipped with NXP's dual-core
Cortex-M4/M0 based LPC4357 microcontroller suitable for a
wide range of applications that requires advanced
communication and high quality graphic displays.
Note that display options are sold separately
COM/OEM Boards
COM Board: iMX6 Quad COM Board
Embedded Artists iMX6 Quad COM Board is equipped with
NXP's quad-core Cortex-A9 based i.MX6Quad processor
suitable for a wide range of industrical applications that
requires advanced communication, real-time control and high
quality graphic displays.
The i.MX 6Quad is quad core, high performance and energy
efficient processor operating at speeds up to 1 GHz. The
processor is ideal for running an OS like Linux.
Use the iMX6Quad
Developer's Kit to get up-and-running
quickly with the board.
IMX6 based COM Boards also available in SOLOX, DUALLITE:
OEM Board : LPC4088 OEM Board
Embedded Artists' LPC4088 OEM Board is equipped with
NXP's Cortex-M4 based LPC4088 microcontroller suitable for
applications that requires advanced communication and high
quality graphic displays.
The board can be used in OEM applications, as well as for
education purposes, experiment, and prototype projects. Use
the LPC4088
Developer's Kit to get up-and-running quickly
with the board. board.
OEM Board : LPC4357 OEM Board
Embedded Artists' LPC4357 OEM Board is equipped with
NXP's dual-core Cortex-M4/M0 based LPC4357 microcontroller
suitable for applications that requires advanced
communication and high quality graphic displays.
The board can be used in OEM applications, as well as for
education purposes, experiment, and prototype projects. Use
the LPC4357
Developer's Kit to get up-and-running quickly
with the board.
LPC11U24 LPCXpresso Board:
The LPC11U24 LPCXpresso board with NXP's ARM Cortex-M0
microcontroller has been designed to make it as easy as
possible to get started with Cortex-M0. The LPCXpresso
comprises a target board combined with a JTAG debugger. A free
Eclipse-based IDE from NXP is also included.
The LPC11U24 has 10 kB SRAM, 32 kB Flash, 4 kB E2PROM, USB
2.0 Full-Speed Device, SSP, I2C, UART, ADC, etc. Embedded
Artists also provides a Prototype
board and a Base
that makes it possible to make experiments and prototyping
with many peripherals.
LPC11U37H LPCXpresso Board:
The LPC11U37H LPCXpresso board with NXP's ARM Cortex-M0
microcontroller has been
designed to make it as easy as possible to get started with Cortex-M0.
An LPCXpresso board consists of a target side (LPC11U37H, in this case) and a
build-in LPC-Link2 debug probe, which is compatible with the free LPCXpresso IDE
out-of-the-box, and with other toolchains via optional ARM CMSIS-DAP and Segger
J-Link firmware.
The LPC11U37H has 10 kB SRAM (+ 2 kB for I/O Handler), 128 kB Flash, 4 kB
E2PROM, UART, I2C, 2xSPI/SSP, 8xADC, USB 2.0 Device, etc.
Other LPCXPRESSO Boards:
LPCXpresso Base Board
The LPCXpresso Base board makes it possible for you to
get started with experiments and prototyping immediately.
The Base board can also be used together with the mbed
module. More information about mbed can be found at mbed.
It is possible to buy the Base board combined with the
LPCXpresso board. The LPCXpresso kit reduces the price with
7 EUR compared to if you buy the parts separately.
QuickStart Boards
Embedded Artists' QuickStart Board lets you get
up-and-running quickly with NXP's
microcontrollers. The physically small boards offer many
features that speed up your program development. |
Application Kits
The application kits are developed with a certain focus
in mind. They are useful for prototyping and evaluation but
also for educational purposes. Embedded Artists always
create a lot of sample applications for evaluation kits,
but for these application kits we have put extra energy
into creating even more extensive software resources,
documentation and instruction videos. |
Education Boards
LPC4088 Experiment Bundle:
Embedded Artists' LPC4088 Experiment Bundle
makes it
possible to get up-and-running quickly with the LPC4088
QuickStart Board. The base board that is a part of the
bundle adds several expansion connectors to the LPC4088
QuickStart Board and makes it especially easy to connect
displays to the board. |
Display Option |
There are two great software development environments to
select from; mbed or LPCOpen. |